DMC demo mode

DMC Demo Mode is implemented for users who want to try out DMC to see if it is a valuable Liquibase Enterprise component to their workflow. It also allows users to setup DMC quickly to demonstrate the value faster. If you do not manage an external Postgres database, but want to continue using DMC through production, you can still use DMC in Demo Mode in your production process.

Note: It is important to note that there are risks in running DMC indefinitely in Demo Mode that are mitigated by switching to DMC production mode.

Example: With Demo Mode active, uninstalling the DMC application may also remove the embedded Postgres database and all the data it contains. This does not occur in Production Mode. With DMC production mode active, uninstalling the DMC application will only remove the application and leave the external database in place.

System requirements Minimum configuration Recommended configuration
Operating system

RHEL 7, 8, 9; CentOS 7, 8; AlmaLinux 8, 9

RHEL 7, 8, 9; CentOS 7, 8; AlmaLinux 8, 9

Memory 8 GB of RAM 16 GB of RAM
Disk space 40 GB 40 GB
Open ports 80, 443, 8080, and 5432 80, 443, 8080, and 5432

Note: Linux versions 8+ require DMC 7.16 or later versions.

Pre-install requirements

The DMC in demo mode requires you to do the following:

  1. Create a non-root user with sudo access on the machine you provisioned for the DMC install.

User and group setup example

sudo useradd -m datical
sudo passwd datical
sudo usermod -aG wheel datical

In this example, the wheel group has sudo access, so datical is just added to that group. Depending on your site's sudo policies, you may need to add your username to a different group or add it directly to /etc/sudoers.

Tip: Create a new user or add an existing user to a group on your own before starting the installation as the installation scripts and installers do not create them for you.

  1. On the provisioned machine, ensure the following ports are opened: 80, 443, and 5432. Also, ensure no other applications are using the ports on the local system.

Note: 80 and 443 are internal and external ports for a demo mode. The internal and external port for PostgreSQL is 5432.


Choose one of our Demo mode installation methods to complete your installation.

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